Wednesday, December 29, 2010
7 more days to go... STILL.....
7 more days to go......

7 days to go. (Tuesday)
A week more to go. Yes, I should be excited. Yes, I should be happy. To welcome home the person I love the most. But apparently that is not what I am feeling right now.
I have just received your letter dated sometime in November. The letter which you have decided to address to both me and kak Ida. I was totally clueless to find out that the content of the letter is 99.99999% for me. Hahaha What were you thinking, Dear? So malufying.
Anyway, it is not so much of kak reading the letter, but the content itself. You mentioned that your time has been extended by another day. L Here I am, counting the days while you – extending your stay. Sometimes I wonder – if you really care about me, about us.
8 days lagi.....

8 days more to go. (Monday)
Hoyayyyyyyyy….. I’m feeling so excited. Just 8 more days to go. Can’t believed that we almost finally did it, Abang. 30 months!!! Who would have thought that we can make it, but we did it! Muahsss!
Kak Idah told me that she had just received a letter from you and she will mail it to me. Hopefully the letter will reach me before your release, as I believed it has some information about your release. J
Can’t wait to call and hear your voice again. <3 <3 <3
9 Days to go.....

9 days more to go.
Sunday – It’s one of the Sundays which I need to wake up early. We have planned for a birthday breakfast for my cousin. As such, we need to be at the restaurant before 9am. Gosh!! Trust me – it wasn’t an easy task to wake up my brother hahaha!
The breakfast session was good. More photos are available at my Facebook.
Looking forward to chatting with you again on the net – like we use to. :-)

Sunday, December 19, 2010
10 more days to go...

Saturday 18 Dec 2010
Countdown, 10 more days to go.
I woke-up slightly later today as it's an off-day for me. Made myself my fav drink, Nescafe and I planned to start with my new beading project. However, I ended up doing practically nothing. Spent the whole morning cleaning my room and my handbag. hahaha.
In the evening, i spent 1/2hour on the stepper. :-) Good girl, kan? Hehehe. Not so much about the weight lost thingy, though that can be one of the outcome. But I'm more concern with my health. I don't wish to fall sick again. Not in the near future. No more flu nor fever for 2010. hehehe Just want to stay healthy.
At night, spend time at home, watching TV. Sis went out on a date while bro went out with his friends.
MISS YOU, Abang.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
11 days to go...

Dearest Abang....
11 more days to go. Gosh!! How time flies. 30 months. Who would have thought that we managed to go thru 30 months being apart. :-( But now, me ain't gonna turn back anymore. Really looking forward and excited to see you standing in front of me. Hope you feel the same.
The countdown has begin. Missing you, dear.
Today, I'm working in Cyberjaya. So, taking the opportunity to update this blog which I've left for quite some time. :-) Its a coudy morning and it's friday. Gosh! How I wish I could be at home, in bed to be specific. hehehe. But yeah, I have to work. Huhuhu.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Delhi - Day 3
Hye abang...
This morning I woke up rather late (6.30am local time). Tired i guess. The whole day discussing on the process. I went down at 7.30 for breakfast. Then went to work at 8.30 at usual.
Plan to go for some shopping after work but the meeting dragged till 7.30pm. As such, everyone was extremely tired and all we could think of is just the bed. huhuhu. Alhamdulillah everything went on well. My presentation went on smoothly. :-) I know, mesti abang doakan i kan kan kan.. :-)
Now its 11,25pm. Still early and yet i feel so sleepy and tired. But at the same time i want to shere this with you. So here i am, updating this blog for you. :-)
I miss you, abang.
This morning I woke up rather late (6.30am local time). Tired i guess. The whole day discussing on the process. I went down at 7.30 for breakfast. Then went to work at 8.30 at usual.
Plan to go for some shopping after work but the meeting dragged till 7.30pm. As such, everyone was extremely tired and all we could think of is just the bed. huhuhu. Alhamdulillah everything went on well. My presentation went on smoothly. :-) I know, mesti abang doakan i kan kan kan.. :-)
Now its 11,25pm. Still early and yet i feel so sleepy and tired. But at the same time i want to shere this with you. So here i am, updating this blog for you. :-)
I miss you, abang.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Delhi - Day 1
Salam Abg
Just to share with you.
My flight was scheduled at 4pm. However it was delayed and only take off at 5.30 pm due to some technical error.
Reached Delhi at 7.45pm (10.15pm KL time)
Everything seems to be ok.
Just that power trip just now. I was freaking scared and stood by the door :-(
If only I hv a female fren, I would hv gone n sleep at her room.
Now it's 12.45 am here ( 3.22am in KL) so sleepy n tired. Me sleep dulu ya, and takegood care of yourself ya. Muahssss

Just to share with you.
My flight was scheduled at 4pm. However it was delayed and only take off at 5.30 pm due to some technical error.
Reached Delhi at 7.45pm (10.15pm KL time)
Everything seems to be ok.
Just that power trip just now. I was freaking scared and stood by the door :-(
If only I hv a female fren, I would hv gone n sleep at her room.
Now it's 12.45 am here ( 3.22am in KL) so sleepy n tired. Me sleep dulu ya, and takegood care of yourself ya. Muahssss
Friday, September 17, 2010
Hari Raya continues.....
Salam Abang,
I wanted to write to you and share some update but ended up writing them here - in our blog. hehehe.
Yesterday, took mama to my Aunt house for raya. On our way back home, my boss called. Guess what? He'll be going to Delhi from 22/9 till 24/9 and he wants me to join him. GULP!!!! However, there is an issue whereby I'm incharge of the company's Teambuilding session (24 - 26 Sept) and need to be around. I'm waiting for Monday - when he decides if I need to go with him or otherwise. He's trying to arrange for a conference call or something like that (so that I can do my work remotely from KL). I want to go but at the same time, I'm freaking scared. What if they ask me 1001 questions and I'm not able to answer? I'm worried, Abang. How I wish you are here. You will always have ways and words to comfort me. MUAHS!!
Today is Saturday. Will be going to Kajang (Mak Long's house later) for raya. How was your raya, dear? InsyaAllah next raya, we shall celebrate together ya. Can't wait to see my abang in his baju melayu/kurung. :-)Me? I'll be wearing baju kurung later. Yes, the one is this photo. :-)
I wanted to write to you and share some update but ended up writing them here - in our blog. hehehe.
Yesterday, took mama to my Aunt house for raya. On our way back home, my boss called. Guess what? He'll be going to Delhi from 22/9 till 24/9 and he wants me to join him. GULP!!!! However, there is an issue whereby I'm incharge of the company's Teambuilding session (24 - 26 Sept) and need to be around. I'm waiting for Monday - when he decides if I need to go with him or otherwise. He's trying to arrange for a conference call or something like that (so that I can do my work remotely from KL). I want to go but at the same time, I'm freaking scared. What if they ask me 1001 questions and I'm not able to answer? I'm worried, Abang. How I wish you are here. You will always have ways and words to comfort me. MUAHS!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Salam AIdil Fitri.....
Pesanan buat Suami
Abang dearie....
I came across this article while surfing my facebook and would like to share with you. :-)
PESANAN BUAT SUAMI - Oleh Dato’ Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah
1. Selalu menghargai usaha dan penat-lelah isteri, terutama isteri yang bekerja dan sama-sama terpaksa menanggung hutang suami.
2. Bila isteri bercakap, pandanglah mukanya dan buka telinga luas-luas. Biar apa yang dikatakannya masuk telinga kanan dan tersumbat di telinga kiri. Sambil tu otak suami kenalah memproses informasi yang diterima daripada isteri dengan bijak serta prihatin.
3. Jangan sekali-kali membandingkan masakan isteri atau cara isteri menghias rumah dengan mak anda kecuali masakan/cara menghias isteri anda lebih baik dan canggih dari emak anda..
4. Jangan demand sex sekiranya isteri tak ada mood atau letih. Agama suruh kahwin bukan semata-mata untuk penuhi nafsu syahwat saja.
5. Kalau pasangan dah ada anak, sama-samalah menjaga anak. Benih dari awak juga.. Ada suami, isteri sedang makan disuruh cebok kencing n berak anak sedangkan suami duduk tersandar kekenyangan macam maharaja.
6. Jangan sekali-kali duduk tersandar depan TV atau relax-relax sedangkan isteri bila balik dari kerja, buka saja kasut terus masuk dapur, memasak, mengemas, membasuh, kejar anak dsbnya. Berbulu mata dan sayu hati isteri bila kami tak cukup tangan nak menguruskan rumahtangga sedangkan suami lepas tangan.
7. Sekiranya suami makan dahulu, tinggalkan sedikit lauk utk isteri. Jangan bedal semua sampai turn isteri yang tinggal cuma ekor ikan sekerat, janggut sotong dan ekor taugeh.
8. Kalau nak ajak member bertandang ke rumah, beritau isteri dulu, kalau boleh sehari-dua in advance. Jadi bolehlah dia memasak yang best-best dan mengemas rumah cantik-cantik. Bayangkan perasaan isteri kalau tetamu datang terpacak sedangkan kain-baju masih berlonggok belum sempat dilipat, permainan anak masih berselerak dan isteri cuma masak mi maggi saja.
9. Jangan sekali-kali menyakat isteri tentang saiz badannya yang semakin sihat atau semakin melidi. Tengok body sendiri dalam cermin dulu.
10. Jangan kentut depan isteri. Masa bercinta dulu kenapa boleh control kentut?
11. Hormatilah ibu-bapa dan kaum keluarga isteri walaupun anda cuma main wayang, bodek mereka masa nak mengurat isteri anda dulu. Jangan sekali mencaci mereka walaupun secara bergurau.
12. Jangan kedekut dengan isteri serta keperluan rumahtangga.
13. Jagalah maruah anda sebagai suami dan lelaki. Selagi boleh, jangan bebankan isteri dengan masaalah kewangan anda. Selalunya perempuan ni, semakin suami “degil” tak nak minta pertolongan, selagi itulah dia rela nak tolong.
14. Jangan bersepah dan bersikap pengotor. Dah buka baju, letakkan dalam bakul baju kotor, dah guna cungkil gigi, buanglah dalam bakul sampah, bila dah guna ubat gigi bubuh balik penutupnya, dah ambil sesuatu barang simpan balik ditempat asal, dah berak flush. Susah sangat ke nak buat macam tu? Semua nak kena ajar ke?
15. Rajin-rajinlah bertanya isteri kalau dia perlukan bantuan anda dengan kerja rumah/menjaga anak. Tapi jangan tanya dua tahun sekali. Jangan tunjuk rajin bila ada tetamu di rumah saja.
16. Hormatilah isteri anda sebagaimana anda mahu dihormati. Isteri pun manusia. Allah berikan banyak keistimewaan kepada para isteri tapi diputar-belitkan tafsirannya oleh orang lelaki untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
17.. Jangan main kayu tiga dengan perempuan lain. Main lain lagi tak boleh. Kalau isteri awak yang buat, tentu awak tak boleh tolerate, jadi mengapa isteri awak kena tolerate kalau awak buat?
18. Kalau tak menyukai sikap atau perbuatan isteri, tegurlah secara baik, jangan asyik nak menengking aja. Kalau awak sakit nak mati nanti, siapa yang kena jaga awak? Bai jual roti? Apek jual sayur? Jiran sebelah rumah awak?
19. Kalau isteri nampak tak sihat, cepat-cepatlah bawa jumpa doktor. Tunjuklah anda mengambil berat tentang dirinya.
20. Berbincanglah dengan isteri sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat. Walaupun suami megah ada kuasa veto, tak jadi bapok kalau pendapat isteri diambil kira. Pokok pangkalnya ialah timbangrasa dan saling menghargai. Cubalah ketepikan ego yang keterlaluan. Bukannya laku bila dah mati nanti.
21. Dalami agama dan bimbinglah anak isteri dengan ikhlas seperti yang dituntut agama. Ingat, kalau seorang suami masuk syurga, besar kemungkinan isteri pun masuk syurga. Kalau suami masuk neraka belum tentu isteri juga masuk neraka. Kalau isteri masuk neraka, besar kemungkinan suami juga masuk NERAKA tapi kalau isteri masuk syurga belum tentu suami pun masuk syurga.Ini bukan rekaan saya tapi saya dengar dari seorang ustaz.
22. Berusahalah dengan ikhlas untuk mempertahankan keharmonian rumahtangga. Jangan buat apa yang isteri tak suka. Percayalah, kalau suami buat baik sekali dengan isteri, isteri balas sepuluh kali
23. Jangan buat donno kalau isteri merajuk atau berkecil hati. Kalau perlu minta maaf, minta maaf, kalau perlu dipujuk, pujuk. Hati orang pompuan ni sensitif. Kalau kami rasa suami tak ambil kisah, perasaan bagai dihiris-hiris. Perkara yang dipandang remeh oleh suami boleh menjadi kanser kepada isteri. Kepada para suami khususnya dan kaum lelaki amnya, janganlah dianggap masalah hati dan perasaan orang perempuan ni enteng sahaja.
Allah s.w.t. berfirman, “Dan ketahuilah bahawasanya Allah mengetahui apa yang didalam hatimu, sebab itu berhati-hatilah dengan Tuhan”
I came across this article while surfing my facebook and would like to share with you. :-)
PESANAN BUAT SUAMI - Oleh Dato’ Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah
1. Selalu menghargai usaha dan penat-lelah isteri, terutama isteri yang bekerja dan sama-sama terpaksa menanggung hutang suami.
2. Bila isteri bercakap, pandanglah mukanya dan buka telinga luas-luas. Biar apa yang dikatakannya masuk telinga kanan dan tersumbat di telinga kiri. Sambil tu otak suami kenalah memproses informasi yang diterima daripada isteri dengan bijak serta prihatin.
3. Jangan sekali-kali membandingkan masakan isteri atau cara isteri menghias rumah dengan mak anda kecuali masakan/cara menghias isteri anda lebih baik dan canggih dari emak anda..
4. Jangan demand sex sekiranya isteri tak ada mood atau letih. Agama suruh kahwin bukan semata-mata untuk penuhi nafsu syahwat saja.
5. Kalau pasangan dah ada anak, sama-samalah menjaga anak. Benih dari awak juga.. Ada suami, isteri sedang makan disuruh cebok kencing n berak anak sedangkan suami duduk tersandar kekenyangan macam maharaja.
6. Jangan sekali-kali duduk tersandar depan TV atau relax-relax sedangkan isteri bila balik dari kerja, buka saja kasut terus masuk dapur, memasak, mengemas, membasuh, kejar anak dsbnya. Berbulu mata dan sayu hati isteri bila kami tak cukup tangan nak menguruskan rumahtangga sedangkan suami lepas tangan.
7. Sekiranya suami makan dahulu, tinggalkan sedikit lauk utk isteri. Jangan bedal semua sampai turn isteri yang tinggal cuma ekor ikan sekerat, janggut sotong dan ekor taugeh.
8. Kalau nak ajak member bertandang ke rumah, beritau isteri dulu, kalau boleh sehari-dua in advance. Jadi bolehlah dia memasak yang best-best dan mengemas rumah cantik-cantik. Bayangkan perasaan isteri kalau tetamu datang terpacak sedangkan kain-baju masih berlonggok belum sempat dilipat, permainan anak masih berselerak dan isteri cuma masak mi maggi saja.
9. Jangan sekali-kali menyakat isteri tentang saiz badannya yang semakin sihat atau semakin melidi. Tengok body sendiri dalam cermin dulu.
10. Jangan kentut depan isteri. Masa bercinta dulu kenapa boleh control kentut?
11. Hormatilah ibu-bapa dan kaum keluarga isteri walaupun anda cuma main wayang, bodek mereka masa nak mengurat isteri anda dulu. Jangan sekali mencaci mereka walaupun secara bergurau.
12. Jangan kedekut dengan isteri serta keperluan rumahtangga.
13. Jagalah maruah anda sebagai suami dan lelaki. Selagi boleh, jangan bebankan isteri dengan masaalah kewangan anda. Selalunya perempuan ni, semakin suami “degil” tak nak minta pertolongan, selagi itulah dia rela nak tolong.
14. Jangan bersepah dan bersikap pengotor. Dah buka baju, letakkan dalam bakul baju kotor, dah guna cungkil gigi, buanglah dalam bakul sampah, bila dah guna ubat gigi bubuh balik penutupnya, dah ambil sesuatu barang simpan balik ditempat asal, dah berak flush. Susah sangat ke nak buat macam tu? Semua nak kena ajar ke?
15. Rajin-rajinlah bertanya isteri kalau dia perlukan bantuan anda dengan kerja rumah/menjaga anak. Tapi jangan tanya dua tahun sekali. Jangan tunjuk rajin bila ada tetamu di rumah saja.
16. Hormatilah isteri anda sebagaimana anda mahu dihormati. Isteri pun manusia. Allah berikan banyak keistimewaan kepada para isteri tapi diputar-belitkan tafsirannya oleh orang lelaki untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
17.. Jangan main kayu tiga dengan perempuan lain. Main lain lagi tak boleh. Kalau isteri awak yang buat, tentu awak tak boleh tolerate, jadi mengapa isteri awak kena tolerate kalau awak buat?
18. Kalau tak menyukai sikap atau perbuatan isteri, tegurlah secara baik, jangan asyik nak menengking aja. Kalau awak sakit nak mati nanti, siapa yang kena jaga awak? Bai jual roti? Apek jual sayur? Jiran sebelah rumah awak?
19. Kalau isteri nampak tak sihat, cepat-cepatlah bawa jumpa doktor. Tunjuklah anda mengambil berat tentang dirinya.
20. Berbincanglah dengan isteri sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat. Walaupun suami megah ada kuasa veto, tak jadi bapok kalau pendapat isteri diambil kira. Pokok pangkalnya ialah timbangrasa dan saling menghargai. Cubalah ketepikan ego yang keterlaluan. Bukannya laku bila dah mati nanti.
21. Dalami agama dan bimbinglah anak isteri dengan ikhlas seperti yang dituntut agama. Ingat, kalau seorang suami masuk syurga, besar kemungkinan isteri pun masuk syurga. Kalau suami masuk neraka belum tentu isteri juga masuk neraka. Kalau isteri masuk neraka, besar kemungkinan suami juga masuk NERAKA tapi kalau isteri masuk syurga belum tentu suami pun masuk syurga.Ini bukan rekaan saya tapi saya dengar dari seorang ustaz.
22. Berusahalah dengan ikhlas untuk mempertahankan keharmonian rumahtangga. Jangan buat apa yang isteri tak suka. Percayalah, kalau suami buat baik sekali dengan isteri, isteri balas sepuluh kali
23. Jangan buat donno kalau isteri merajuk atau berkecil hati. Kalau perlu minta maaf, minta maaf, kalau perlu dipujuk, pujuk. Hati orang pompuan ni sensitif. Kalau kami rasa suami tak ambil kisah, perasaan bagai dihiris-hiris. Perkara yang dipandang remeh oleh suami boleh menjadi kanser kepada isteri. Kepada para suami khususnya dan kaum lelaki amnya, janganlah dianggap masalah hati dan perasaan orang perempuan ni enteng sahaja.
Allah s.w.t. berfirman, “Dan ketahuilah bahawasanya Allah mengetahui apa yang didalam hatimu, sebab itu berhati-hatilah dengan Tuhan”
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bad headache huhuhu
It's 1:40am and here I am, having a bad headache. :-( please don't be angry with me, dear. Cos the reason for this bad headache is due to lack of sleep huhuhu
I've just completed a beading work and tried to complete my office work but I counld not managed to complete it. I can hardly focus huhuhu I know it's my fault. :-( I'm sorry dear. I promise not to do it ever again k.
I guess I better stop here and get some rest. I can hardly open my eyes already hehehe
Good night, Abang. Sweet dream .......
It's 1:40am and here I am, having a bad headache. :-( please don't be angry with me, dear. Cos the reason for this bad headache is due to lack of sleep huhuhu
I've just completed a beading work and tried to complete my office work but I counld not managed to complete it. I can hardly focus huhuhu I know it's my fault. :-( I'm sorry dear. I promise not to do it ever again k.
I guess I better stop here and get some rest. I can hardly open my eyes already hehehe
Good night, Abang. Sweet dream .......
Monday, July 26, 2010
Windu abang
Salam abang,
How are you, dear? Hopefully abang doing good. As for me, there's nothing that you should be worry about, dear. Everything is OK except for one thing.
I know it's been a while since my last letter. However, abang need not worry, ok. That's simply because I'm busy with my fasting plus heavy workload. I hope abang will understand and do not blame me for not writing to you. Eventhough I do not write to you, you are always in my heart, always in my prayer and never a single day that I do not miss you, dear.
Abang, i love you so very much and hope that abg love me the same. Muacks!!!
How are you, dear? Hopefully abang doing good. As for me, there's nothing that you should be worry about, dear. Everything is OK except for one thing.
I know it's been a while since my last letter. However, abang need not worry, ok. That's simply because I'm busy with my fasting plus heavy workload. I hope abang will understand and do not blame me for not writing to you. Eventhough I do not write to you, you are always in my heart, always in my prayer and never a single day that I do not miss you, dear.
Abang, i love you so very much and hope that abg love me the same. Muacks!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sakit....huhuhu :-(
Auntie Aiza
Salam Abang,
I really really need to share this with you. :-)
A few days back, as i was chatting with your sister, suddenly Afiq was in the conversation. You know what? Kak Idah told him that she's going for a movie, alone. And guess what was his reply. "Ask ur mom or sister to acoompany you. Or just ask Auntie Aiza" Hahahahaha...... I guess he doesn't have a clue where am i staying. hehehe. So I decided to 'kirim salam' to him. Few seconds later, kak said "Afiq said waalaikumsalam, Auntie Aiza"
WHAT!!!!!!! AUNTIE Aiza????
Hahahaha.... He made me sound so matured.(not wanting to use the word old)
So i told kak - tell Afiq to just call me , kak aiza. hehehe Then kak told me that once, he almost called u , abg ewan - rather than Cik Ewan. hehehe. I think u already know me by now. As such - u would have known or guessed what my respond would be kan kan kan.
"U can cont to call him Cik Ewan.... but just call me Kak Aiza." hahahaha How do u like it, dear?
CIK Ewan and KAK Aiza.
I really really need to share this with you. :-)
A few days back, as i was chatting with your sister, suddenly Afiq was in the conversation. You know what? Kak Idah told him that she's going for a movie, alone. And guess what was his reply. "Ask ur mom or sister to acoompany you. Or just ask Auntie Aiza" Hahahahaha...... I guess he doesn't have a clue where am i staying. hehehe. So I decided to 'kirim salam' to him. Few seconds later, kak said "Afiq said waalaikumsalam, Auntie Aiza"
WHAT!!!!!!! AUNTIE Aiza????
Hahahaha.... He made me sound so matured.(not wanting to use the word old)
So i told kak - tell Afiq to just call me , kak aiza. hehehe Then kak told me that once, he almost called u , abg ewan - rather than Cik Ewan. hehehe. I think u already know me by now. As such - u would have known or guessed what my respond would be kan kan kan.
"U can cont to call him Cik Ewan.... but just call me Kak Aiza." hahahaha How do u like it, dear?
CIK Ewan and KAK Aiza.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
At work....
Hye abang,
How are you? I've just sent you a letter yesterday. Hopefully you will receive it soon and reply back to me. As for me, everything is fine - i guess. Ok ok... everything is not fine. Goshhhh! It is so difficult and almost impossible to hide anything from you.

It started of with a conversation with my boss yesterday. We were discussing about the project that the company is aiming for. Out of a sudden, he made a statement "I really hope we can get this contract, or else it will be difficult to keep you" Of course i smiled as I thought it was a compliment. He really wants me to stay. My boss - he looks confused. Maybe wondering why is this girl still smiling despite of what he just said.
After lunch - a friend of mine requested for a copy of my resume for his reference. So i told him about my conversation with my boss. This friend of mine seems to think alot like my boss. Hehehe So that's the reason why I share the story with him. Suddenly, my heart stops beating and my world feels blank. Empty and clueless. According to him (which I totally agree), resource which does not contribute to the company and generate income is consider liability. So, I'M A LIABILITY to the company!!! Now , my boss's confused face makes more sense. And me, freanking scared.

So, since last night, I've been trying to figure out a plan for me. Now, I'm in the midst of updating my resume and will start job hunting soon. I've found one which caught my attention. But it is a big company. Chances might be slim but no harm in trying, right?
WISH ME LUCK, Dear!!!!
How are you? I've just sent you a letter yesterday. Hopefully you will receive it soon and reply back to me. As for me, everything is fine - i guess. Ok ok... everything is not fine. Goshhhh! It is so difficult and almost impossible to hide anything from you.

It started of with a conversation with my boss yesterday. We were discussing about the project that the company is aiming for. Out of a sudden, he made a statement "I really hope we can get this contract, or else it will be difficult to keep you" Of course i smiled as I thought it was a compliment. He really wants me to stay. My boss - he looks confused. Maybe wondering why is this girl still smiling despite of what he just said.
After lunch - a friend of mine requested for a copy of my resume for his reference. So i told him about my conversation with my boss. This friend of mine seems to think alot like my boss. Hehehe So that's the reason why I share the story with him. Suddenly, my heart stops beating and my world feels blank. Empty and clueless. According to him (which I totally agree), resource which does not contribute to the company and generate income is consider liability. So, I'M A LIABILITY to the company!!! Now , my boss's confused face makes more sense. And me, freanking scared.

So, since last night, I've been trying to figure out a plan for me. Now, I'm in the midst of updating my resume and will start job hunting soon. I've found one which caught my attention. But it is a big company. Chances might be slim but no harm in trying, right?
WISH ME LUCK, Dear!!!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lagenda Budak Setan

Salam Abang
Remember I told you in my letter - about me going to movie alone for the very first time? This was the movie. :-) Yes - it's a love story. Nothing much to huha about, but i just love the storyline and how loyal the male character can be - despite all the things that is been happening around him. :-( I would say a tragic love story.
This is the first book. There are 2 other books - the sequel. I heard they plan to film it as well. Hopefully we can go and watch it together. How do u like that idea?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Abang!!!yes yes I know it's getting late and it's almost 3am
I've just completed writing a letter to u :-)
hopefully u will write to me soon.
Miss you so much, dear.
Okla abg. Need to sleep as I'll be working torrow huhu
love you!!!
Abang!!!yes yes I know it's getting late and it's almost 3am
I've just completed writing a letter to u :-)
hopefully u will write to me soon.
Miss you so much, dear.
Okla abg. Need to sleep as I'll be working torrow huhu
love you!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Do u miss me today? Abang miss me much2?
Abang, today at work, I was really pissed of with my friend. She has been getting on my nerves all the time. And everytime it happens, I just couldn't take it. I know I over reacted at times, but still, she doesn't have to make such sarcastic remarks, right?
Thank God, even without you around, I still have this blog to express my feelings, share with you all my experiences, every single thing. Thank you dear, for being my bestfriend whom I can share every single thoughts with you. Muacks!!!!
Opsssss it's 8.30pm and i'm still in my working attire hehehe buchukkk!!!!
Love you, dear!!!!!
Do u miss me today? Abang miss me much2?
Abang, today at work, I was really pissed of with my friend. She has been getting on my nerves all the time. And everytime it happens, I just couldn't take it. I know I over reacted at times, but still, she doesn't have to make such sarcastic remarks, right?
Thank God, even without you around, I still have this blog to express my feelings, share with you all my experiences, every single thing. Thank you dear, for being my bestfriend whom I can share every single thoughts with you. Muacks!!!!
Opsssss it's 8.30pm and i'm still in my working attire hehehe buchukkk!!!!
Love you, dear!!!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hi aaaaaabang!!!!!
As promised, I'll write to you frequently, using my mobile phone of course. Abg, I just came back from my 2 nephews birthday lunch plus akikah. :-) I had kambingggg hehehe. No!! I do not smell like kambing OK. I'm still a peguin hehehe
I wonder what abg doing on Sunday afternoon? Later, we shall spend our weekends together ya. Abg, last night, we saw on TV - s'pore universal studio. You know what? My mom wanted to go. Then suddenly my mom starts making plans to go to SG. Next thing I know, my sister told her that if we were to go to SG, everything will be taken care of - accomodation and transportation.GULP!!!! So keipo la that girl. Kan kan kan. But abg don't worry ya. We'll plan for something, ok. Somehow I feel so excited- can't wait to introduce you to my family :-) Hope u feel the same.
Opssss it's almost 3.30pm. Solat time. I'll promise I'll write to u again soon ya.
Love you, Abang.
As promised, I'll write to you frequently, using my mobile phone of course. Abg, I just came back from my 2 nephews birthday lunch plus akikah. :-) I had kambingggg hehehe. No!! I do not smell like kambing OK. I'm still a peguin hehehe
I wonder what abg doing on Sunday afternoon? Later, we shall spend our weekends together ya. Abg, last night, we saw on TV - s'pore universal studio. You know what? My mom wanted to go. Then suddenly my mom starts making plans to go to SG. Next thing I know, my sister told her that if we were to go to SG, everything will be taken care of - accomodation and transportation.GULP!!!! So keipo la that girl. Kan kan kan. But abg don't worry ya. We'll plan for something, ok. Somehow I feel so excited- can't wait to introduce you to my family :-) Hope u feel the same.
Opssss it's almost 3.30pm. Solat time. I'll promise I'll write to u again soon ya.
Love you, Abang.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Missing you..... From my phone
see!!!!! Just how much I miss you. I've figure out that I can update this blog using my mobile phone. Cool huh! Hehehe
I know it's not easy, typing using the keypad, but... Anything for u my dear. :-)
so, from now onwards, I can write to u at any time. So, watch out dear, there'll be lots and lots of updates and entries for u to read. Hehehe
sayang abg!!!!!
see!!!!! Just how much I miss you. I've figure out that I can update this blog using my mobile phone. Cool huh! Hehehe
I know it's not easy, typing using the keypad, but... Anything for u my dear. :-)
so, from now onwards, I can write to u at any time. So, watch out dear, there'll be lots and lots of updates and entries for u to read. Hehehe
sayang abg!!!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
From Vietnam with love....

Aaaaaaabang....!!!! miss you, miss you and miss you. Much2, u know. :-) MUACKS!!!! I'm backkkkkk...... Can u recognize the girl in the pic? No no... she's not a vietnamese girl, but she's your peguin. Excited peguin during her boat ride in Mekong River. :-)
The trip was great. Tiring but interesting. I won't lie to you. I've been thinking about you all the time while i was there. Wishing that you were there with me. Abang, will you accompany me in my next trip? We shall go on vacation together and spend more time , quality time with each other. How do you like that, dear ?
Later, maybe in my next entry, i'll share with you the details of the trip, ok. Tonite, I wanna write to you. To share with you my experience in Vietnam.
Love you, Abang. mUackkksssss
Btw, i received your letter a day before my trip and i hate that letter very2 much. Wanna know why? Cos you ask me to go on a date with others. :-( I dun want others. I just want my chocolate. huhuhu So sad, knowing that he's letting me go just like that. As easy as that. hmmmmmmmm
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Salam Abang
Today is Mother's Day. All mothers on Facebook are bragging about it. Cards from theirs, kids prepare breakfast for them, wishes them , bla bla bla. ANd me, I seriously envy them. But at the same time, I also wish and pray that I'll be given a chance to be a mom one day. :-) Do you think I can be a good mother, Yang?
Abang, I just came back from the clinic. Dr told me that I'm having ear infection. It hurts. huhuhu. How I wish you were here. You will definitely say things that will comfort me. I miss you dear.
ANyway, to conclude my entry today,
Today is Mother's Day. All mothers on Facebook are bragging about it. Cards from theirs, kids prepare breakfast for them, wishes them , bla bla bla. ANd me, I seriously envy them. But at the same time, I also wish and pray that I'll be given a chance to be a mom one day. :-) Do you think I can be a good mother, Yang?
Abang, I just came back from the clinic. Dr told me that I'm having ear infection. It hurts. huhuhu. How I wish you were here. You will definitely say things that will comfort me. I miss you dear.
ANyway, to conclude my entry today,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My new Buah Hati....

Aaaaaaaabang!!!! Chakkkk
How you like my new toy?
I bought it on 1st May but only today I have a chance to upload this entry for you. I thought with the new toy, it will keep me occupied. I guess I was wrong. Very very wrong. Cos with the new toy, I miss you even more. I want to share the moments with you, but you were not around. I wanted to share my happiness and excitement with you, but you were not there. So with that, I miss you much2, abang. SOb sob sob.
Bila abang nak balik?
Monday, April 26, 2010
Aaaaaaaabang!!!! chak!!!!!!
Guess what? I'm writing to you tonight. As such, this will be a very short entry, ok. Can't wait to write to you. So many things I want to share with you. :-)
I've just stopped my beading work - to be continue tomorrow. hehehe It's quarter past eleven. I better start writing to you now.
I'll update this blog later ok.
sayang abang - MUACKS!!!!
Guess what? I'm writing to you tonight. As such, this will be a very short entry, ok. Can't wait to write to you. So many things I want to share with you. :-)
I've just stopped my beading work - to be continue tomorrow. hehehe It's quarter past eleven. I better start writing to you now.
I'll update this blog later ok.
sayang abang - MUACKS!!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I'm scared.....

Salam Abang,
I know it's late. 2.50am. To be frank with you, I can't sleep. I tried, but I'm too scared to close my eyes. Suddenly I have this feeling, as if - if i were to close my eyes, you will be gone. Far far away from me. And never would I want that to happen. Not tonite, not now, not NEVER!!! And since then, I've been crying. I don't know why. But I miss you and I feeling like I'll be losing you. I'm scared, Abang.
Abang, why am I having this feeling? This weird feeling? I sayang abang, and I don't want to lose you. :-( Promise me that you will never leave me. But if you ever leave me, I'm sure she's very much better than me. Otherwise, you wouldn't leave me, right? Make sure she take good care of you,ok Abang. I will always be here for you. All I want....... IS FOR YOU TO BE HAPPY!
Sayang Abang. muah!
Friday, April 23, 2010
It's a Saturday
Goooooood morning Sayang,
So sorry dear. I wanted to write to you last night. Tapi tertidur la pulak. Hehehe. Maybe because I've been sleeping late for a few days - in my attempt to complete my reading. hehehe. MUACKS!!!!
Abang, today, there'll be a birthday lunch for my nephew. He's 7. So maybe in an hours time, I need to go out, to search for a birthday present. But I still don't have a clue what I should get for him. Maybe a Ben10 T. What say you, dear?
Btw, your letter is still on the way. Yes, I was rather disappointed yesterday. Huhuhu. Really hope it will reach me today. :-) With that, it will make me the happiest girl, and also a great weekend. hehehe. Sayang Abang.
So sorry dear. I wanted to write to you last night. Tapi tertidur la pulak. Hehehe. Maybe because I've been sleeping late for a few days - in my attempt to complete my reading. hehehe. MUACKS!!!!
Abang, today, there'll be a birthday lunch for my nephew. He's 7. So maybe in an hours time, I need to go out, to search for a birthday present. But I still don't have a clue what I should get for him. Maybe a Ben10 T. What say you, dear?
Btw, your letter is still on the way. Yes, I was rather disappointed yesterday. Huhuhu. Really hope it will reach me today. :-) With that, it will make me the happiest girl, and also a great weekend. hehehe. Sayang Abang.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Adam & Hawa

I read this in a book and I really liked it
Hawa dicipta dari tulang rusuk Adam,
Bukan dari kepalanya untuk dijadikan atasannya,
Bukan dari kakinya untuk dijadikan alasannya,
Melainkan dari sisinya untuk dijadikan teman hidupnya,
Dekat pada lengan untuk dilindunginya
dan dekat di hati untuk dicintainya.
Salam Abang,
Abang, how I wish you were here. And just how much I wish I can write to you and let you know what's bothering me. But I do not want to trouble you. As such, I decided to write in thiss blog instead.
Abang, you just don't know how it hurts when people around you making judgement without even trying to understand the situation. It hurts. It really does. Without knowing our constraints, they start passing remarks about our relationship. Questioning if we are really serious about this. But what hurts me the most, is when they started to question about you. Whats stopping you from moving to the next stage of this relationship. They say you are not serious about this. Since then, I can't stop crying. Neither can I stop thinking about you. Sometimes I feel shouting to the whole world about our situation. But I know, that will not help much. Instead, it might make things worst.
Abang, I miss you. Really hope that you can be by my side, close to me, to comfort me at times like this. I've got no one else to talk to other than you. But I will not write to youo about this incident as I do not what you to worry too much, ok dear
Abang take goodcare of yourself, ya. LOVE YOU!!!
Abang, how I wish you were here. And just how much I wish I can write to you and let you know what's bothering me. But I do not want to trouble you. As such, I decided to write in thiss blog instead.
Abang, you just don't know how it hurts when people around you making judgement without even trying to understand the situation. It hurts. It really does. Without knowing our constraints, they start passing remarks about our relationship. Questioning if we are really serious about this. But what hurts me the most, is when they started to question about you. Whats stopping you from moving to the next stage of this relationship. They say you are not serious about this. Since then, I can't stop crying. Neither can I stop thinking about you. Sometimes I feel shouting to the whole world about our situation. But I know, that will not help much. Instead, it might make things worst.
Abang, I miss you. Really hope that you can be by my side, close to me, to comfort me at times like this. I've got no one else to talk to other than you. But I will not write to youo about this incident as I do not what you to worry too much, ok dear
Abang take goodcare of yourself, ya. LOVE YOU!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Salam Abang,
Just would like to share with you what happened to me last friday. No, I shall not mention this in my letter - afraid that you might be worried abt me. Anyway, out of a sudden, while i was walking to work, I feel like a part of me is missing. The pain, the hurt, mixed feelings. I'm not sure what it is, but all i know, out of a sudden, I miss you like crazy. And to make it worst, I almost break down in public. Luckily I manage to find the courage to continue walking till I reach my office. Huhuhu. Seriously, I really feeling like crying, Abang. Cos it really hurts knowing that you are not around.Knowing that I can't talk to you. Knowing that I can't hear your laughter. I MISS YOU!
and THAT NITE..... i cried like a baby. Sorry abg. I know i've made a promise not to cry, but I just can't help it. Please come home, Abang. Your penguin misses you alot.
Just would like to share with you what happened to me last friday. No, I shall not mention this in my letter - afraid that you might be worried abt me. Anyway, out of a sudden, while i was walking to work, I feel like a part of me is missing. The pain, the hurt, mixed feelings. I'm not sure what it is, but all i know, out of a sudden, I miss you like crazy. And to make it worst, I almost break down in public. Luckily I manage to find the courage to continue walking till I reach my office. Huhuhu. Seriously, I really feeling like crying, Abang. Cos it really hurts knowing that you are not around.Knowing that I can't talk to you. Knowing that I can't hear your laughter. I MISS YOU!
and THAT NITE..... i cried like a baby. Sorry abg. I know i've made a promise not to cry, but I just can't help it. Please come home, Abang. Your penguin misses you alot.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Missing you, dearest one.
Assalamualaikum Abang ku sayang,
How are u, sweetheart? Do you have any idea how much I’m missing you? Suddenly the feeling of meeting up with you is so strong. Feel like taking the next flight and be there with you. I know…. I know… I have to be patient. Will you wait for me, dear?
Today there’s a lot of work at the office. I feel so tired. If only you were here. You will sure crack some jokes, just to make me laugh. I miss that, dear. Miss that moment a lot. Sob sob sob.
How are u, sweetheart? Do you have any idea how much I’m missing you? Suddenly the feeling of meeting up with you is so strong. Feel like taking the next flight and be there with you. I know…. I know… I have to be patient. Will you wait for me, dear?
Today there’s a lot of work at the office. I feel so tired. If only you were here. You will sure crack some jokes, just to make me laugh. I miss that, dear. Miss that moment a lot. Sob sob sob.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Sepupuku Suamiku

I know its been a while since my last entry. Sorry yg Sayang. Been rather busy completing beading orders. I really hope you don't mind. I promise to spend more time with you from today onwards, OK. I promise. Heeeee
I've just completed reading this book. Guess what? I always imagine that the male character in this book is YOU. Yes, you - my dearest one. Ntah la, i just can sense the similarities. I might be wrong but I know I can trust my inner sense. :-) I know I might not be as pretty as the female character, but trust me - I LOVE YOU more than she loves her husband. MUACKS!
Such a romantic love story.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A date with Schumacher
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I'm so tired!!!!! sob sob sob.
My work load is increasing rapidly. Been receiving task after task each day. And to add to that, I've got 2 beading orders to be completed in 2 weeks time. :-( I'm seriously worn out already. Huhuhu.
Suddenly I remember what you wrote in one of your letters. "Beading is just a hobby, remember? Please don't worn yourself" Huhuhu Surprisingly, i really miss you Abang. Eventhough I know if you are ard, for sure Abang will bebel non-stop. kan kan kan. :-)
Abang tau tak, right now, while writing this entry, I am feeling sick already. Seriously hope i will not catch fever. Cos i really need to complete my beading. Ok la abang, I cont my beading jap k. Then i'll hit the bed, i promise.
Love you, Abang.
ps. Bila abg nak balik nih? Windu kat abang. MUACKS!!!!!
I'm so tired!!!!! sob sob sob.
My work load is increasing rapidly. Been receiving task after task each day. And to add to that, I've got 2 beading orders to be completed in 2 weeks time. :-( I'm seriously worn out already. Huhuhu.
Suddenly I remember what you wrote in one of your letters. "Beading is just a hobby, remember? Please don't worn yourself" Huhuhu Surprisingly, i really miss you Abang. Eventhough I know if you are ard, for sure Abang will bebel non-stop. kan kan kan. :-)
Abang tau tak, right now, while writing this entry, I am feeling sick already. Seriously hope i will not catch fever. Cos i really need to complete my beading. Ok la abang, I cont my beading jap k. Then i'll hit the bed, i promise.
Love you, Abang.
ps. Bila abg nak balik nih? Windu kat abang. MUACKS!!!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Cinta Kau & Aku

Guess what, dear? I was suppose to work on a beading order, but i ended up spending my weekend reading this book. Hehehe. I bought it a few weeks back, but was rather busy trying to complete another beading order. Some may say characters in books are only imagination of the author. I use to think the same way too, until I met you, dearest one. Since i got to know you, those characters somehow comes alive. And yes, that makes me the luckiest girl on earth. :-) What makes me feel even luckier is - being loved by you.

Earlier (last month, i think), I was reading this book. From the same author. Sometimes i feel that the author knows you and she create that character to fit you. hahaha. But thanks to her, everytime i read her books, I feel that you are very close to me. No doubt at times, it makes me miss you like crazy. huhuhu.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Beading marathon.
Hi Abang,
I know.... I know.... It's 2.30am and its LATE. Hehehe. Abang please don't be mad, ok. I'll promise to get a good rest tomorrow, ok ( i mean later today hehehe). I'm in the midst of doing beading. :-) - refer to the above picture. Deadline is next week and i'll be going back to Ipoh today. That is why I really need to work hard on this. After this I promise to sleep early, ok dear.
Today (friday), we celebrated my bro bestfriend's dinner. It was fun. :-) And u know what, dear? He was really surprised to see all of us.
Ok la dear, need to continue with my beading. Nanti tak siap pulak,k. Later i'll write to you again ya.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Windu abang.
Dear chocolate,
I know its been a while since my last entry. I've been wanting to write to you but I always end up sleeping. Like a log. hehehe. Sorry eh Abang dearie.
Abang, my days are extremely busy now. At work, boss had given me lots and lots of work, until i do not know which one should i do. :-( Then when i reach home, beading work waiting for me. I know i know.... but i couldn't help sleeping late every night. And you know what, dear? You don't have to worry cos I will catch-up with my sleep during lunch break. heeeee. Hey, look at the bright side. Hopefully i can lose some kg by skiping my lunch. hehehe
ok la dear. It's almost 1am already. I've just completed partial of my beading work. To be cont tomorrow. Ngantuk la. Abg take good care of yourself, ok. sleep tite. MUACKS!!!!
I know its been a while since my last entry. I've been wanting to write to you but I always end up sleeping. Like a log. hehehe. Sorry eh Abang dearie.
Abang, my days are extremely busy now. At work, boss had given me lots and lots of work, until i do not know which one should i do. :-( Then when i reach home, beading work waiting for me. I know i know.... but i couldn't help sleeping late every night. And you know what, dear? You don't have to worry cos I will catch-up with my sleep during lunch break. heeeee. Hey, look at the bright side. Hopefully i can lose some kg by skiping my lunch. hehehe
ok la dear. It's almost 1am already. I've just completed partial of my beading work. To be cont tomorrow. Ngantuk la. Abg take good care of yourself, ok. sleep tite. MUACKS!!!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Pretty Woman.

Hye Sayang,
Looks like I've missed a few days not writing to you. I slept early. Mengantuk la dear. :-) How are you dear? Do u miss me? Do u miss me as much as i do?
I'm watching Pretty Woman on TV. How I wish you were here with me, Abang. I'm watching Pretty Woman while doing beading. hehehe
Abang, today i've received another beading order. Great huh. Looks like orders are coming in again. Alhamdulilah.
Love you, Abang
ps. I've written a message to your friend. However, I'm still waiting for her reply. Abang, something tells me that she likes you. And message from you given by another girl is not something that she's looking forward to. Oh Gosh!!!! I'm trying to be positive and I will never stop trying. Sorry dear,I'm not having doubts with you. Just uncomfortable with the situation. :-(
Good night, Sayang. MUACKS!!!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday - Missing you.
Hye Abang,
It's 12.24am (suppose to be Monday already) Yes, I know I should be in bed at this hour, especially when tomorrow is a working day. I've just completed writing an aerograme to you. Will be posting it tomorrow. Abang wait for my letter ya. I miss you so much and if possible, I want to write to you every single day but that will bored you to the skull. hehehe
Ok lah dear, I think I'd better hit the bed. I'll write to you again (in this blog) tomorrow ya (or should i say later today since now is already Monday) hehehe. And first thing I want to do tomorrow is to go and look for this RED object!!
Goodnight , Abang. Sleep tight and sweet dream. MUAH!!!
It's 12.24am (suppose to be Monday already) Yes, I know I should be in bed at this hour, especially when tomorrow is a working day. I've just completed writing an aerograme to you. Will be posting it tomorrow. Abang wait for my letter ya. I miss you so much and if possible, I want to write to you every single day but that will bored you to the skull. hehehe
Ok lah dear, I think I'd better hit the bed. I'll write to you again (in this blog) tomorrow ya (or should i say later today since now is already Monday) hehehe. And first thing I want to do tomorrow is to go and look for this RED object!!
Goodnight , Abang. Sleep tight and sweet dream. MUAH!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Interesting wiken......

I know you gonna say "THAT IS SO YOU" hehehe but I still wanna share this story with you. You do know how clumsy your penguin can be at times. Today, is one of those days, her clumsy day.
Today is Saturday. As usual, I was left alone at home. So I decided to go to the night market (Pasar Malam). Just before I left home, I was reading your letters. ALL of them.
Left home at about 4.30pm. As usual, I took the train heading to Bandaraya station. Suddenly, at Masjid Jamek station (a station before Bandaraya), my brother called me. While talking to him, I don't know why, I got down from the train (at Masjid Jamek) Maybe it is because this is my usual station on working days. :-) while walking down the stairs, I realized that I got down at the wrong station. So, went up the escalator and waited for the next train.
Happily went to Pasar Malam and bought my fav Spring Potato.

Like a little girl who just got her lollipop, I walked to the station again - headed home. Happy happy happy. Few mins later, the train came and I quickly hop in. Little did i know, it was the WRONG train. arghhhhhhhh. When I realized that I was on the wrong train, had to get down and wait for the next train. hehehe. Clumsy betul la penguin abg ni, kan?
I think I'm gonna write to you tonite, to share this story with you. :-)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Crying tonite

Dearest abang,
I've just received your letter earlier today. I know I should be happy. I am indeed. So happy to hear from you. However, I just couldn't understand why am I crying now, while i'm typing this entry to you. Maybe the fact that you'll be missing the WorldCup (which is happening in June) is another way for you to inform me that your appplication for early release has been rejected. Suddenly I feel that Dec is just so far away, especially when i've already make plans to visit you soon. Why must this fact be so painful when it is nothing new and something which is expected already. Why, dear? I guess I've been putting too high hopes, huh. My fault. Maybe it is also because I'm missing you so very badly. huhuhu
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I'm worried
Hye dear,
Today, is one of those days which i really really hope that you are here,dear. Remember how u use to comfort me everytime when I share with you my problems at work. Earlier today, I heard my big boss mentioning my name to my boss. To be frank with you, I'm freaking worried. Not sure why. Does he still have doubt in me, dear?
Yang, do you know that on my way back from work today, I imagine sharing with you my problems and your answer would be "Ayang, you are good, OK. There is nothing to worry about. Your boss knows you better. Ayang don't worry OK." Hehehe. What do u think, dear? Did i get the lines right? hehehe
Abang, I miss you.
Today, is one of those days which i really really hope that you are here,dear. Remember how u use to comfort me everytime when I share with you my problems at work. Earlier today, I heard my big boss mentioning my name to my boss. To be frank with you, I'm freaking worried. Not sure why. Does he still have doubt in me, dear?
Yang, do you know that on my way back from work today, I imagine sharing with you my problems and your answer would be "Ayang, you are good, OK. There is nothing to worry about. Your boss knows you better. Ayang don't worry OK." Hehehe. What do u think, dear? Did i get the lines right? hehehe
Abang, I miss you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sad drama
Hye dear,
Had a busy day today. As usual 9 - 6 non-stop. I must say it's tiring, but i enjoy what i'm doing. So i guess i don't really mind the heavy load.

The printer which almost caused me serious migraine. hehehe
Dear, just an hour ago, i was doing my work in front of the TV. I happened to watch a malay drama. About this couple who loves each other very much - especially the boyfriend. The girl loves him but has never say the 3 magical words to him and he longed to hear those words from her. Reason given - she's not ready to say those words to him.
Just when she is finally ready, something happened. The guy died in a car accident and she know she will never get a chance to say those 3 words to him ever again.
So sad kan Yang and since then, i feel so disturbed. I hope that will not happen to us. As such, from the bottom of my heart - I LOVE YOU!
Had a busy day today. As usual 9 - 6 non-stop. I must say it's tiring, but i enjoy what i'm doing. So i guess i don't really mind the heavy load.
The printer which almost caused me serious migraine. hehehe
Dear, just an hour ago, i was doing my work in front of the TV. I happened to watch a malay drama. About this couple who loves each other very much - especially the boyfriend. The girl loves him but has never say the 3 magical words to him and he longed to hear those words from her. Reason given - she's not ready to say those words to him.
Just when she is finally ready, something happened. The guy died in a car accident and she know she will never get a chance to say those 3 words to him ever again.
So sad kan Yang and since then, i feel so disturbed. I hope that will not happen to us. As such, from the bottom of my heart - I LOVE YOU!
My Birthday Marathon
Hello dear,
Just to share with you a lil about my birthday marathon. Hehehe
My birthday - 23rd Jan falls on Sat.
Therefore, my bestfriend Amy decided to send me a Teddybear on Fri. So sweet of her, right dear. :-)And guess what? Everyone thought it was from you. I didn't bother to explain. hehehe. Naughty of me, huh. :-)
Then on my birthday, we went back to Ipoh and mom prepared BBQ dinner for me. Yummy!!!! Spend the whole evening bbq-ing. My brother's friend, cum family friend also came for that simple dinner.It was fun. Wish you were here, dear. Love my family so very much for that lovely dinner.
On monday, when i came to work, a friend of mine at work asked me about the teddybear. Then she found out that it was my birthday. And you know what, dear? On Tues, when i came to work, I saw this on my table. hehehe. It was from her. So sweet kan?
Abanggggggggggggggggg!!! This is a birthday cake from my close friends. Lovely, right? It's carrot cheese cake - and i love it! It was really a surprise as I thought they didn't plan anything for me. Suddenly there was a call from an unknown lady, asking me to meet her at the lobby. :-)
Monday, January 25, 2010
25th January 2010

Sad sad sad.
Despite today is Monday, it has been a rather a busy day for me till time flies really fast. But that doesn't seems to make me stop thinking about you. Yes , i know i've made a promise last night that i will not write to you for a week but i'm not sure how long i can take this. I'm missing you like crazy despite what you have done to me. Its that weird?
Dear, why must you do this to me? I know I might not be as good looking as other girls or as successful as them, who have been with you, but that doesn't mean that you can do this to me. Sob Sob sob.
Whatever it is, you take good care of yourself ya. When i have the guts to write, I'lll write to u ya.
Love u, dear.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
24th January 2010

Hello dear,
My very first entry for 2010. hehehe.
Yang, thank you very much for the letter. I received your letter on Friday (a day before my birthday). Ita was praying for it to arrive on my birthday, while i was hoping for it to reach me a.s.a.p :-)
Yes, i'm happy to receive your letter but the content seems to be bothering me. Send warm regards to your friends through me. I know i should not be worry or to be exact - i should not be foolish, but i just could not help it. :-( Kak Ida said that you might just be testing me. If that is true - why? Why would you want to test me, dear? Doesn't make any sense, right?
Anyway, not to worry. I will not mention anything in my coming letter (in order not to worry you)That is why i'm writing everything here -in this blog. I do not want you to worry too much but I just have to let it out, how I feel about all these things.
Do you still love me as much as you use to? Or is your love fading away as time goes by? I try to understand, and still trying. Hopefully there will be some light (for me) at the end of this tunnel.
Whatever it is..... i still love you the same and hope you love me too, dear chocolate.
Good night & sweet dream.
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