Guess what, dear? I was suppose to work on a beading order, but i ended up spending my weekend reading this book. Hehehe. I bought it a few weeks back, but was rather busy trying to complete another beading order. Some may say characters in books are only imagination of the author. I use to think the same way too, until I met you, dearest one. Since i got to know you, those characters somehow comes alive. And yes, that makes me the luckiest girl on earth. :-) What makes me feel even luckier is - being loved by you.

Earlier (last month, i think), I was reading this book. From the same author. Sometimes i feel that the author knows you and she create that character to fit you. hahaha. But thanks to her, everytime i read her books, I feel that you are very close to me. No doubt at times, it makes me miss you like crazy. huhuhu.