Hye Sayang,
Looks like I've missed a few days not writing to you. I slept early. Mengantuk la dear. :-) How are you dear? Do u miss me? Do u miss me as much as i do?
I'm watching Pretty Woman on TV. How I wish you were here with me, Abang. I'm watching Pretty Woman while doing beading. hehehe
Abang, today i've received another beading order. Great huh. Looks like orders are coming in again. Alhamdulilah.
Love you, Abang
ps. I've written a message to your friend. However, I'm still waiting for her reply. Abang, something tells me that she likes you. And message from you given by another girl is not something that she's looking forward to. Oh Gosh!!!! I'm trying to be positive and I will never stop trying. Sorry dear,I'm not having doubts with you. Just uncomfortable with the situation. :-(
Good night, Sayang. MUACKS!!!!!