Aaaaaaaabang!!!! chak!!!!!!
Guess what? I'm writing to you tonight. As such, this will be a very short entry, ok. Can't wait to write to you. So many things I want to share with you. :-)
I've just stopped my beading work - to be continue tomorrow. hehehe It's quarter past eleven. I better start writing to you now.
I'll update this blog later ok.
sayang abang - MUACKS!!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I'm scared.....

Salam Abang,
I know it's late. 2.50am. To be frank with you, I can't sleep. I tried, but I'm too scared to close my eyes. Suddenly I have this feeling, as if - if i were to close my eyes, you will be gone. Far far away from me. And never would I want that to happen. Not tonite, not now, not NEVER!!! And since then, I've been crying. I don't know why. But I miss you and I feeling like I'll be losing you. I'm scared, Abang.
Abang, why am I having this feeling? This weird feeling? I sayang abang, and I don't want to lose you. :-( Promise me that you will never leave me. But if you ever leave me, I'm sure she's very much better than me. Otherwise, you wouldn't leave me, right? Make sure she take good care of you,ok Abang. I will always be here for you. All I want....... IS FOR YOU TO BE HAPPY!
Sayang Abang. muah!
Friday, April 23, 2010
It's a Saturday
Goooooood morning Sayang,
So sorry dear. I wanted to write to you last night. Tapi tertidur la pulak. Hehehe. Maybe because I've been sleeping late for a few days - in my attempt to complete my reading. hehehe. MUACKS!!!!
Abang, today, there'll be a birthday lunch for my nephew. He's 7. So maybe in an hours time, I need to go out, to search for a birthday present. But I still don't have a clue what I should get for him. Maybe a Ben10 T. What say you, dear?
Btw, your letter is still on the way. Yes, I was rather disappointed yesterday. Huhuhu. Really hope it will reach me today. :-) With that, it will make me the happiest girl, and also a great weekend. hehehe. Sayang Abang.
So sorry dear. I wanted to write to you last night. Tapi tertidur la pulak. Hehehe. Maybe because I've been sleeping late for a few days - in my attempt to complete my reading. hehehe. MUACKS!!!!
Abang, today, there'll be a birthday lunch for my nephew. He's 7. So maybe in an hours time, I need to go out, to search for a birthday present. But I still don't have a clue what I should get for him. Maybe a Ben10 T. What say you, dear?
Btw, your letter is still on the way. Yes, I was rather disappointed yesterday. Huhuhu. Really hope it will reach me today. :-) With that, it will make me the happiest girl, and also a great weekend. hehehe. Sayang Abang.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Adam & Hawa

I read this in a book and I really liked it
Hawa dicipta dari tulang rusuk Adam,
Bukan dari kepalanya untuk dijadikan atasannya,
Bukan dari kakinya untuk dijadikan alasannya,
Melainkan dari sisinya untuk dijadikan teman hidupnya,
Dekat pada lengan untuk dilindunginya
dan dekat di hati untuk dicintainya.
Salam Abang,
Abang, how I wish you were here. And just how much I wish I can write to you and let you know what's bothering me. But I do not want to trouble you. As such, I decided to write in thiss blog instead.
Abang, you just don't know how it hurts when people around you making judgement without even trying to understand the situation. It hurts. It really does. Without knowing our constraints, they start passing remarks about our relationship. Questioning if we are really serious about this. But what hurts me the most, is when they started to question about you. Whats stopping you from moving to the next stage of this relationship. They say you are not serious about this. Since then, I can't stop crying. Neither can I stop thinking about you. Sometimes I feel shouting to the whole world about our situation. But I know, that will not help much. Instead, it might make things worst.
Abang, I miss you. Really hope that you can be by my side, close to me, to comfort me at times like this. I've got no one else to talk to other than you. But I will not write to youo about this incident as I do not what you to worry too much, ok dear
Abang take goodcare of yourself, ya. LOVE YOU!!!
Abang, how I wish you were here. And just how much I wish I can write to you and let you know what's bothering me. But I do not want to trouble you. As such, I decided to write in thiss blog instead.
Abang, you just don't know how it hurts when people around you making judgement without even trying to understand the situation. It hurts. It really does. Without knowing our constraints, they start passing remarks about our relationship. Questioning if we are really serious about this. But what hurts me the most, is when they started to question about you. Whats stopping you from moving to the next stage of this relationship. They say you are not serious about this. Since then, I can't stop crying. Neither can I stop thinking about you. Sometimes I feel shouting to the whole world about our situation. But I know, that will not help much. Instead, it might make things worst.
Abang, I miss you. Really hope that you can be by my side, close to me, to comfort me at times like this. I've got no one else to talk to other than you. But I will not write to youo about this incident as I do not what you to worry too much, ok dear
Abang take goodcare of yourself, ya. LOVE YOU!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Salam Abang,
Just would like to share with you what happened to me last friday. No, I shall not mention this in my letter - afraid that you might be worried abt me. Anyway, out of a sudden, while i was walking to work, I feel like a part of me is missing. The pain, the hurt, mixed feelings. I'm not sure what it is, but all i know, out of a sudden, I miss you like crazy. And to make it worst, I almost break down in public. Luckily I manage to find the courage to continue walking till I reach my office. Huhuhu. Seriously, I really feeling like crying, Abang. Cos it really hurts knowing that you are not around.Knowing that I can't talk to you. Knowing that I can't hear your laughter. I MISS YOU!
and THAT NITE..... i cried like a baby. Sorry abg. I know i've made a promise not to cry, but I just can't help it. Please come home, Abang. Your penguin misses you alot.
Just would like to share with you what happened to me last friday. No, I shall not mention this in my letter - afraid that you might be worried abt me. Anyway, out of a sudden, while i was walking to work, I feel like a part of me is missing. The pain, the hurt, mixed feelings. I'm not sure what it is, but all i know, out of a sudden, I miss you like crazy. And to make it worst, I almost break down in public. Luckily I manage to find the courage to continue walking till I reach my office. Huhuhu. Seriously, I really feeling like crying, Abang. Cos it really hurts knowing that you are not around.Knowing that I can't talk to you. Knowing that I can't hear your laughter. I MISS YOU!
and THAT NITE..... i cried like a baby. Sorry abg. I know i've made a promise not to cry, but I just can't help it. Please come home, Abang. Your penguin misses you alot.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Missing you, dearest one.
Assalamualaikum Abang ku sayang,
How are u, sweetheart? Do you have any idea how much I’m missing you? Suddenly the feeling of meeting up with you is so strong. Feel like taking the next flight and be there with you. I know…. I know… I have to be patient. Will you wait for me, dear?
Today there’s a lot of work at the office. I feel so tired. If only you were here. You will sure crack some jokes, just to make me laugh. I miss that, dear. Miss that moment a lot. Sob sob sob.
How are u, sweetheart? Do you have any idea how much I’m missing you? Suddenly the feeling of meeting up with you is so strong. Feel like taking the next flight and be there with you. I know…. I know… I have to be patient. Will you wait for me, dear?
Today there’s a lot of work at the office. I feel so tired. If only you were here. You will sure crack some jokes, just to make me laugh. I miss that, dear. Miss that moment a lot. Sob sob sob.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Sepupuku Suamiku

I know its been a while since my last entry. Sorry yg Sayang. Been rather busy completing beading orders. I really hope you don't mind. I promise to spend more time with you from today onwards, OK. I promise. Heeeee
I've just completed reading this book. Guess what? I always imagine that the male character in this book is YOU. Yes, you - my dearest one. Ntah la, i just can sense the similarities. I might be wrong but I know I can trust my inner sense. :-) I know I might not be as pretty as the female character, but trust me - I LOVE YOU more than she loves her husband. MUACKS!
Such a romantic love story.
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