Monday, January 25, 2010

25th January 2010

Sad sad sad.
Despite today is Monday, it has been a rather a busy day for me till time flies really fast. But that doesn't seems to make me stop thinking about you. Yes , i know i've made a promise last night that i will not write to you for a week but i'm not sure how long i can take this. I'm missing you like crazy despite what you have done to me. Its that weird?

Dear, why must you do this to me? I know I might not be as good looking as other girls or as successful as them, who have been with you, but that doesn't mean that you can do this to me. Sob Sob sob.

Whatever it is, you take good care of yourself ya. When i have the guts to write, I'lll write to u ya.

Love u, dear.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

24th January 2010

Hello dear,

My very first entry for 2010. hehehe.
Yang, thank you very much for the letter. I received your letter on Friday (a day before my birthday). Ita was praying for it to arrive on my birthday, while i was hoping for it to reach me a.s.a.p :-)
Yes, i'm happy to receive your letter but the content seems to be bothering me. Send warm regards to your friends through me. I know i should not be worry or to be exact - i should not be foolish, but i just could not help it. :-( Kak Ida said that you might just be testing me. If that is true - why? Why would you want to test me, dear? Doesn't make any sense, right?
Anyway, not to worry. I will not mention anything in my coming letter (in order not to worry you)That is why i'm writing everything here -in this blog. I do not want you to worry too much but I just have to let it out, how I feel about all these things.
Do you still love me as much as you use to? Or is your love fading away as time goes by? I try to understand, and still trying. Hopefully there will be some light (for me) at the end of this tunnel.
Whatever it is..... i still love you the same and hope you love me too, dear chocolate.

Good night & sweet dream.